
Sunday, October 26, 2008

MC Night Out

So today our MC spent some time together outside of our home and just had a fun day out. We all ate together and then saw the new movie "fireproof." If you haven't seen the movie please go check it out. Especially married couples, even if you marriage is perfect you should check it out. I remember when Melissa and I first got married someone told me that love will get you to the altar and it's a lot of hard work after that. In a society where the divorce rate is over 50% and people marry and divorce out of convenience, we should all be reminded from time to time that marriage is a sacred covenant between you, your spouse and God and that it takes hard work to make it work. I was convicted by the movie to be a better spouse and am sure many other husbands would be as well. One of the coolest parts of the movie for me was where the husband was describing the things that frustrated him about his wife...about how she constantly rejected him and after all of his efforts to love her she spat in his face. And the question was asked "How can you love someone who constantly rejects you?" The gospel become so evident in this moment because it showed the immense love of christ in our failures. In our constant disappointments and rejections, the many times we spit in his face and are determined to do things our way, he still loves and persues us. Despite our rejections he still persues is. I spent a lot of time thinking about my wife today and what I can do to be a better husband to her. I thought about 1 corinthians 13. I have always thought of this as a measuring stick to my ability to love. If i am not patient then I don't love. If i am not kind then I do not love. If i remember every bad thing that was done to me then I do not love. Then it dawned on me that this is not how I love but how God loves because God is love. There is no way that I can measure up to those perfect standards of love but God can. If i understand that God loves me in this way then I can better love my wife and God for that matter in the same way. So anyway I thought it was a great movie, and hope that if you haven't seen it that you will. Also, please remember our family in your prayers as we get closer to the birth of our second child. Sarah Kate will be here Nov 24th and we're all getting very excited about the new addition to the family.