
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Why a blog?

Not sure why. I've come a long way in the past 4 months in my relationship with Christ. I've found a new church family, I'm learning what gospel truly means, I'm learning what it means to be a gospel based Christian instead of a religion based one, I'm learning about community, opening up to new relationships, being a part of the kingdom here in my city. I have a lot of new things going through my mind right now and I just think and process things better when they are put down in words. I am a recovering religionist. I have discovered that most of my Christian life has been spent missing the point. Gone are the days of legalism and moralism and false facades, fronts and barriers and closed minded thinking. I have much to learn. It is a struggle to relearn things you thought you knew for so long. So while I am recovering from religion (which will be LONG process) it is my hope that Christ be glorified. I'm sure if he can transform me than His glory will be evident.

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